Save Money & Do-It-Yourself

Do It Yourself (DIY) Courses & Solutions

DIYWe have ran across a number of business owners that just simply want to do it themselves. After all, nobody knows their business like they do.

But, because they just don’t have time to stay on top of what’s current in the world of marketing and appreciate our 27 years of experience they find our courses extremely good! The courses save them a tremendous amount of time from doing their own research and makes it easier for them to put the strategy in place.

To accommodate these DIY business owners approach to marketing — and to make sure they are getting information specific to offline businesses — we’ve put together a number of DIY courses you can purchase with more coming.

Available Courses:

The Marketing Driven Website.

Your website is the most important marketing tool you have. Because of the importance of your website in your overall marketing and being the core to everything you do online, we created a complete website on this topic and to share the course we’ve made available. It’s called, “The 9 Key Marketing Elements To A Lead Generating Money Making Website… Creating A Marketing Driven Website”.

You can check it all out here … DIY – The Marketing Driven Website. This is a very popular course!

Most Consumer Trusted Company Building Your Image & Reputation: “Your Steps To Becoming The Most Consumer Trusted Company! And watch your leads and sales SKYROCKET” 

In this course we go beyond just reviews, which is what most people think of when we they hear “reputation management”.

The core to reputation management is “building trust”. After all, isn’t that what reviews do… build trust with consumers that they can expect a good experience from doing business with you like those who leave positive reviews have had?

Reviews are just the beginning of what you’ll learn in this course to build trust to compel more people to be excited about doing business with you!

For more information about this course, go to DIY – Most Trusted Company Course.

Advanced Referral Marketing Advanced Referral Marketing: “Building My Business The Easy Way… With Referral Marketing”

This course introduces the “best in class” referral programs for the brick and mortar business. When using any of these referral programs it will be hard to not pull in referrals!

This course also introduces referrals programs using today’s technology. Want to learn how to create a viral explosion about your company, product or brand? You’ll learn 3 different ways!

In addition, this course includes a Companion Document with over $12,000 in done-for-you marketing pieces. This addition to the course is gold!

For more information about this course, go to DIY – Advanced Referral Marketing Course.

Courses Coming:

Lead Generation Marketing is one of the most important things you can learn for your business… Either you’ve got leads coming in and you’re making sales, or you don’t!  Most businesses are making critical mistakes in their marketing pieces and approach. We provide a course on this very important topic.

Business optimization is a business growth strategy. It’s the key to doubling, even quadrupling the revenue of a business within a year! The ultimate objective is to turn every customer into a continuous income stream to the business. 

So many businesses only focus on creating new clients they forget about or don’t go after a built in lead source they have … current customers! 

This course is called, “Increase The Lifetime Value Of Your Clients With Back-End Marketing Strategies Designed Specifically for Creating More Sales From Your Existing Customers”

More courses will be coming. 

To be added to a waiting list for the “Coming Courses”, just fill out the following form. We provide businesses on the list with a significant discount when we introduce a new course. Save money and be immediately notified when the course is available …


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    Other DIY Solutions:

    There are a lot of sharp business owners out there or sharp children of business owners who just want to do it themselves. Great!

    To help you do it yourself, we offer a number of solutions …

     DIY Courses. These are specific to offline business!

     Consulting. You’re not alone. We can help you if you get stuck or have questions.

    A Resource area:

    Website Resources

    WordPress Specific Resources

    Social Media Resources, and

    Other Resources

    There’s some great stuff in our resource area that can save you a lot of time and effort getting the job done. Be sure to keep checking back often (or get on our e-Newsletter list) to see what else we’ve added.

    Also, our Resource Overview page gives you an overview of what our resource area is all about and what it offers you.

    You’ll find some tasks can be grueling or require multiple skill sets to complete. Don’t give up. Just contact us if you need help.

    Or maybe you just want to brainstorm with us to make sure you’re going down the right path for your business. We’ll be happy to brainstorm with you.

    There’s a lot to be said about having 25 years of experience. We can help make sure you’re not going down the wrong roads and are putting the right pieces in place.

    At minimum, have a consulting brainstorm session with us to make sure you’re doing the right things in today’s economy and market place. We can discuss …

    A specific product you’re interested in

    A specific marketing strategy you’re not sure is a good idea for your market place but have heard good things about the strategy.

    Your complete marketing plan and how to improve it.

    Back-end sales opportunities and how to effectively market to your existing customers.

    Referral programs and how to put one together.

    Or just about anything else that has to do with increasing your leads, sales and revenue.

    Our contact information is at the top of the page on the right.